Access to Shareholder Resolutions
Shareholders filed or refiled over 165 resolutions at 90 companies for consideration at corporate annual meetings between 2006 and 2018.
View listing of resolutions and outcomes. (Filter by fields year, company, subject, sector).
Shareholders were asked on the corporate proxy to vote on whether they support reports to shareholders on:
- corporate safer chemical policies in general;
- corporate policies on toxic chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products;
- corporate policies on specific chemicals such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in products and packaging; Bisphenol-A (BPA) in baby bottles and other products, and PFOA in food packaging and other applications
- health effects and other issues associated with pesticide manufacture, use, and lobbying.
- hydraulic fracturing operations for natural gas production in shale formations
Resolutions have been followed by concrete actions. For example:
- McDonald's agreed to collect and disseminate information on best practices for pesticide reduction in its U.S. potato supply chain
- Sears Holdings published a PVC phaseout policy
- Whole Foods Market pulled baby bottles and cups containing BPA and phthalates from its shelves in 2006, two years ahead of other retailers
- ConAgra agreed to review methods for reducing or eliminating PFOA from its food packaging
- Range Resources and numerous other energy companies have increased disclosures about how they are addressing and reducing the environmental risks and community impacts of their extracting natural gas from shale formations using horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.
Resolutions are just one component of investors’ engagement with companies on toxic chemicals in products and hydraulic fracturing operations. Preference is given to direct corporate engagement that leads to the adoption of new corporate policies and commitments to improve their chemical footprint.