Membership Benefits
Key IEHN Membership Benefits
- IEHN tailors our services to the needs of our members. For example, we will review and or help develop engagement letters for corporations, agendas for corporate dialogues, presentations to corporate teams when appropriate, and provide research on specific corporations. We cover the initial costs of drafting shareholder resolutions, with access to legal counsel from Sanford Lewis, a co-founder to IEHN.
- IEHN is a clearinghouse for member initiatives’ and collaborates with nonprofit advocacy leaders. For example, Impax, a long time IEHN member launched an environmental justice initiative this past year with the chemical industry. Impax leverages IEHN expertise on corporate research, development of corporate engagement templates (letters and agendas), and collaboration with environmental justice leaders in Coming Clean.
- IEHN creates easy access to expertise. For example, IEHN members have direct access to a team of experts with deep knowledge and experience in changing corporate performance on toxic chemicals and green chemistry. IEHN is a project of Clean Production Action (CPA). CPA has a portfolio of projects, including tools like the Chemical Footprint Project and the GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals that provide proven pathways to transform corporate behavior and drive the marketplace towards a safer, more sustainable materials economy. We have access to an extensive network of thought leaders and experts in chemicals management and policy, including top scientists, NGO leaders, corporate executives, and policymakers in the United States, Canada, Europe, and increasingly in Asia. If we cannot meet a member need or do not have the research needed on hand, we work to connect our members with appropriate experts.
Members have access to:
- Timely information curated for members on IEHN’s listserve.
- Educational resources, including factsheets, reports, and webinars produced by CPA and IEHN.
- Staff support and expertise for corporate engagements including template agendas, letters, and presentations; corporate research and benchmarking; and access to legal counsel for resolution development.
- Monthly IEHN Strategy calls on corporate engagements, strategic initiatives, and collaboration across members.
- Quarterly strategy calls with nonprofit advocacy leaders working to address pesticides, use of toxic chemicals in consumer products, environmental racism, and just transition to a sustainable solar economy.
- Monthly BizNGO/ASBC policy calls on state and federal regulatory initiatives on chemicals.
- Publication in forums IEHN regularly contributes to such as the Right Chemistry column in GreenBiz.
All paid members receive 50% discounts to Clean Production Action trainings, for example, courses on chemicals management policies.
A la carte benefits include:
- Discounted rates for legal counsel from Sanford Lewis on environmental health-related shareholder proposals.
- Sponsorship opportunities, for example, the annual Chemical Footprint Report.
- Consulting services on request, for example, targeted corporate chemical footprint assessments of companies in your portfolio.
JOIN IEHN TODAY: For questions on IEHN Membership, contact Alexandra McPherson at