Black Lives Matter - Justice, Peace, & Solidarity
Dear reader,
The murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Philando Castile, Stephon Clark, and so many more starkly demonstrate the racism and associated violence by police and armed citizens that pervades America.
COVID-19’s disproportionate impacts on communities of color, especially Black people, are yet another gruesome reminder of structural racism in our country. Lack of access to health care, jobs whose wages do not support a family, disparate exposure to toxic chemicals in workplaces, communities, and homes, have left Black and Brown communities especially vulnerable to the ravages of the coronavirus.
Black Lives Matter. Jogging, walking, driving, bird watching, barbequing, shopping, sitting at home, in peace, asleep, without worry of being harassed or shot, especially by the police, are a right of all. Systematic forces should not treat these rights just as a white privilege. Having living wages, shelter, food on the table, health care when needed, and toxic-free products, workplaces, and communities, are a right of all, not just a white privilege. Health, well-being, justice, respect, honor, peace, and security are a right of all, not just a white privilege.
Clean Production Action stands in solidarity with our Black and Brown colleagues, friends, and families in opposing police violence, systemic racism, and inequity, and creating a life of health, peace, equity, and security for all. We bring people, ideas, and resources together to create an environmentally just and non-toxic economy. We are working to develop, promote, and sustain a high performing organization that values, nurtures, and leverages diversity and inclusiveness in all that we do. We have a lot to learn. We look forward to working with you, and with impacted communities directly, in bending the arc of the moral universe faster towards justice.
Mark S. Rossi, Ph.D
Executive Director
CleanProduction Action