
The Retailer’s Guide to Safer Chemicals and Materials

Retailers need to move beyond regulatory compliance if they are to meet customer expectations for safer chemicals in products, respond to investor inquiries, and achieve favorable profiles in rankings by advocacy groups.

But, "There are thousands of chemicals out there – where and how do we begin?”  The Retailer's Guide to Safter Chemicals & Materials answers this question – and more.

Content Overview 

  1. Why Retailers Should Take Action on Chemicals of High Concern (5)
  2. The Retailer's Guide: Steps to Best Practice from the Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) (12)
  3. How to Use this Guide: Five Modules (14)
    1. MODULE 1 Management Strategy: Chemicals Policy
    2. MODULE 2 Restricted Substances List and Priority Products: Removing Chemicals of Concern in Products
    3. MODULE 3 Chemical Inventory: Working with Brands and Suppliers
    4. MODULE 4 Chemical Footprint Measurement: Getting Started
    5. MODULE 5 Public Disclosure of Retailer Policies, Goals and Progress: Being Transparent
  4. Glossary (46)
  5. Appendix A: Chemical hazard list resources (49)

Download the Retailer's Guide updated April 2021